
So, in planning for the start of this project, I’ve been steadily emptying the cabinets and not replacing foods that I don’t feel would be appropriate during the 75 Days plan.  That includes canned ravioli meals (my daughter’s favorite school lunch), cookies, Little Debbie snacks, etc.  I’ve bought a few things for the kids to try — organic fruit snacks (made with fruit concentrates and no chemicals or preservatives), Amy’s brand cheese crackers, etc.  They’ve liked a few things (the crackers), hated others (the fruit snacks).  It’s a work in progress, for certain!

My husband is going to have trouble with this project, though.  He’s already been looking through the cabinets, saying things like “don’t we have ANY snacks?”  What I am going to have to do is a TON of pre-cooking.  Brownies, cookies, snack bars, etc, those things can be made ahead, stored in the freezer, and taken out for desserts or snacks.  He will eat my cooking, when I actually cook!  I guess maybe it’s time to start storing food in preparation for this project.

I’d love some ideas for homemade goodies that I can make, store and have readily available — post here in the comments if you have any suggestions!

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